##About Tom Tang

###Using python:

  1. Implemented a pixel server tracks 40+ millions pageviews/day across all Newscorp digital properties (news.com.au, dailytelegraph, taste.com.au, ... etc.).

Implemented Audience API supports enables newscrop to target customer on second pageview.

  1. Pixel server + Audience API is a core part of our user-data / event realtime pipeline is the foundation of targeting advertisement business and user customization.

  2. Implemented S3 clean up scripts using multi-process. Early version of awscli hangs when you have too many files in S3 bucket.

Using GO:

  1. Maintain and enhance the user id Graph modeling tool to group all the related ID mappings.

  2. Implemented a dynamodb ingestion tool ships segment attributes at 900 TPS with a ec2 t2.small instance.

  3. Implemented a dynamodb table clone tool tops at 3500 TPS on a single EC2 m3.medium instance (tested with table with 50 millions records ), whereares the AWS offical data pipeline (beta version) failed to clone the tables in a EMR cluster.

Using Spark / BigQuery:

  1. Generate a couple daily reports that tracks accruacy of 3rd party data partner.

  2. Adlog reporting, including identifing DFP feq-cap issues and internal identifier issues.


  1. Probably the first one to use AWS Kinesis for project, as he found a blocking bug in boto (AWS official python sdk) and fix it and created pull-request to boto on github, and it was accepted.

  2. They all run on AWS ec2 and heavly use AWS service ( SQS / Kinesis / DynamoDB / S3 / EC2-ELB / EC2-Autoscalegroup / SNS / RDS ) and some of the project run on docker container on top of EC2

  3. What is mentioned above mostly implemented by himself.

Github projects:

domain Projects Comments
devops agile_conf CFN generation using Ninja2 templates
devops provisioner Server continus provisioning Using S3 / Gsutils
tools dynoclone DynamoDB clone tool
tools senv Secure your enviornment variables using Mac keychain

Here is my other github projects or my slides.