
Example of using Distinct On with Window Function

Primary LanguageRuby

Ruby Problem - interactors.rb

Assume you're working with a codebase that has a bunch of interactor-like classes. Those classes have an API much like a Proc. In this magical realm our call methods are pure functions. Design a library or patch that will allow us to memoize calls to call

Rails/Postgres Problem

Given a colletion of Posts that have and belong to many Categories: Create a page that displays each category and the first 4 Posts in that category without any duplicates. Only show Posts with a published_at date <= now

This is a simplified version of a real problem we've solved

We don't expect your version to be this pretty, just plain hypertext is fine


This is a pretty basic Rails 5.0 / Ruby 2.4 Application.

Database & Data

We expect you to be using Postgres. Setting up the sample data should be pretty straight forward:

  • Edit the config/database.yml file with usernames and passwords if you need
  • rake db:create:all
  • rake db:migrate
  • rake db:seed ... and you should be all set


Only the minimum model code is included. Feel free to add as you see fit

Test Framework

There is none. This is intentional. Feel free to install and use whatever you like

Other Instruction

Basically, treat this like you're writing a production piece of code.

Have Fun!