Wyliodrin STUDIO
Wyliodrin STUDIO is a Chrome based IDE for software and hardware development for IoT and Embedded Linux systems.
- Connect to devices using TCP/IP or serial port
- Develop software and firmware for IoT in several programming languages
- Shell access to the device
- Import and export Wyliodrin STUDIO projects
- Visual dashboard for displaying sensor data
- Display the hardware schematics
- Manage packages for Python and Javascript
- Task manager for managing the device
- Network connection manager for the device (Ethernet and WiFi)
- Interactive electronics documentation (resistor color code)
- Example projects and firmware
- Wyliodrin API documentation in C/C++, Python and Javascript
Supported devices:
- UDOO Neo
- Raspberry Pi and Arduino
- BeagleBone Black
- Arduino Yun
Supported languages
- Visual Programming (translates to Python)
- Javascript
- Python
- Shell Script (bash)
You may find Wyliodrin STUDIO on the Chrome Store
The device needs to run
You may download device images that have them installed from Wyliodrin.
- UDOO Neo Download Image
- Raspberry Pi and Arduino Download Image
- BeagleBone Black Download Image
- Arduino Yun
You will need
You may build Wyliodrin STUDIO yourself
git clone https://www.github.com/Wyliodrin/WyliodrinSTUDIO
cd WyliodrinSTUDIO
npm install
bower install
patch node_modules/highcharts-ng/dist/highcharts-ng.js patches/highcharts-ng.patch
Install grunt and bower
sudo npm install -g grunt-cli bower
The build is in the build folder
- DEBUG_WYLIODRIN='wyliodrin.*' - enable debug messages (this will have a performance impact)
- MIXPANEL_WYLIODRIN='' - mixpanel token for anonymous statistics sending
Wyliodrin STUDIO is a product of Wyliodrin
- Alexandru Radovici - Maintainer
- Ioana Culic - Developer
- Ovidiu Stoica - UX / UI
- Razvan Serban - Developer
- Paula Margarit - Developer
- Mihai Popescu - Developer
Wyliodrin is a trademark of Wyliodrin SRL. All rights reservered.
This software is available under several licenses, depending of the use.
Non-commercial & educational - GPLv3 Please contact us at office@wyliodrin.com for a commercial license.