Angular 2 is still in Beta stage, please don't use this in production
Follow it here
Welcome to Angular 2 Starter! This starter contains almost everything you need to start developing Angular 2:
- TypeScript for the base language
- with Typings for TypeScript definition manager
- Gulp for workflow (from serve, watch, compile, test to build)
- Bower for front-end package manager
- NPM for angular2 & dev-tooling package manager
- Live Server for development server & reload capability
- SystemJS for module loader
- Karma for test-runner
- Jasmine for test framework
- Istanbul for test coverage
- with Remap Istanbul for remapping Javascript to TypeScript coverage
- SystemJS Builder for module bundling in production
Please visit the wiki for more details.
Firstly, you need to have Node.js
- For v4, please use v4.3.x (LTS) or higher (highly recommended)
- For v5, please use v5.6.x or higher, here is why
You need v4.x or higher for Protractor
Then, install these packages globally:
npm install -g gulp bower
After that, just run:
npm install
and to install bower dependencies:
bower install
Let's start up the server, run:
or gulp serve-dev
and done! The browser will popup and you can start trying Angular 2!
Every changes to the file will refresh the browser automatically
and it'll also compile your changed TypeScripts files to Javascript files.
This starter comes with testing gulp workflow
Just run
gulp test
and it'll compile all TypeScript files, start Karma, then remap Istanbul coverage so that it shows TypeScript coverage, not the transpiled Javascript coverage.
Firstly start the server:
gulp serve-dev
To begin testing, run:
gulp e2e
and it'll compile all E2E spec files in /test/e2e/*.spec.ts
, boot up Selenium server then launches Chrome browser.
All build tasks will run the
gulp test
, the bundle will only be created if the test passed.
You can create production build by running:
gulp build
or you can create production build and then serve it using live-server
by running:
gulp serve-build
It uses SystemJS Builder to bundle your application so it's ready for production use
Feel free to submit a PR if there are any issues or new features, read this before
- John Papa for his awesome angular-styleguide and Tour of Heroes
- Julie Ralph for her ng2-test-seed which helped me a lot to get started with testing feature