A lightweight .NET library with re-usable resources/software components that can be shared among multiple application blocks or programs. It has a rich set of commonly used functions and methods with most of which are Extension Methods to assist software developers avoid re-writing code blocks and only focus on writing new features.
Below is a list of methods that you can re-use in your code.
.ToMoney(Country country)
// e.g US, GB, FR, KE, NG e.t.c
.ToCommaSeparated(this int i)
.ToMoney(Country country)
// e.g US, GB, FR, KE, NG e.t.c
.ToCommaSeparated(this decimal d, int precision = 2)
.ToMoney(Country country)
// e.g US, GB, FR, KE, NG e.t.c
.ToCommaSeparated(this double d, int precision = 2)
.ConvertData(DataFormat format = DataFormat.MB, int precision = 2)
// e.g 1024 bytes --> 1.00 for KB
.HumanizeData(DataFormat? format=null, int precision = 2)
// e.g 5400000 bytes --> 5.4 MB`.HumanizeData(int precision = 2)
.FormatDataSize(int precision = 2)
.FormatDataSize(DataFormat? format = null, int precision = 2)
.FormatBytes(int precision = 2)
.FormatBytes(DataFormat? format = null, int precision = 2)
.HumanizeBytes(int precision = 2)
.HumanizeBytes(DataFormat? format = null, int precision = 2)
.ToCommaSeparated(this long l)
.ToMoment(DateTime? currentTime=null)
// converts to human readable time
.ToMoment(this TimeSpan span)
.Has(string q)
.ContainsAnyOf(this string s, params string[] args)
.ContainsAll(this string s, params string[] args)
.StartsWithAnyOf(this string s, params string[] args)
.Matches(string q)
// regex matching
.Is(string q, bool ignoreCase=true)
.Shorten(int maxCharactersLength, string trailingText="...")
// shorten then append trailing dots(...)
.Truncate(int maxCharactersLength, string trailingText = "...")
.TruncateWords(int maxWords, string trailingText = "...")
.TruncateByWords(int maxWords, string trailingText = "...")
.WordCount(this string s)
// returns total number of full words
.GetFullWords(this string s)
// returns string[] with full words.
// returns Guid?
.GetStringAfter(string start)
.GetStringBefore(string end)
.GetName<TEnum>(this TEnum @enum)
// Returns the name of current/selected enum
.GetName<TEnum>(int valueToCheck)
.GetName(Type enumType, object valueToCheck)
Dictionary<string, int> GetEnumPairs<TEnum>(this TEnum @enum)
Dictionary<string, int> GetEnumPairs<TEnum>()
Dictionary<string,int> GetEnumPairs(Type enumType)
.IsOfType<T>(this object obj)
.ToDictionary<T>(this T model)
// returns IDictionary<string, string>
.ToJson<T>(this T value)
.IsNull(this object value)
.IsNotNull(this object value)
bool Contains<T>(Func<T,bool> predicate)
void ForEach<T>(Action<T> action)
IEnumerable<T> RemoveWhere<T>(Func<T,bool> predicate)
Reflection in c# is said to be slow, the following methods use delegates, TypeDescriptors & PropertyDescriptors to improved on perfomance.
.GetPropertyType<TClass>(this TClass @class, string propertyName)
.GetPropertyValue<TClass>(this TClass @class, string propertyName)
.GetPropertyValue<TClass, TProperty>(string propertyName)
.SetPropertyValue<TClass, TValue>(string propertyName, TValue newValue)
.SetPropertyValue<TClass>(string propertyName, Type propType, object newValue)
.SetPropertyValue<TClass>(this TClass @class, string propertyName, object newValue)
PropertyDescriptor[] GetPropertyDescriptors<TClass>(this TClass @class)
PropertyDescriptor GetDescriptor<TClass>(this TClass @class, string prop)
IEnumerable<TAttribute> GetAttributes<TClass, TAttribute>(this TClass @class, string prop)
Use when you are processing updates or patches on a model. This method allows you to specify which properties to update only without affecting the other properties.
TModel UpdateWith<TModel>(this TModel baseModel, TModel updatedModel, params Expression<Func<TModel,object>>[] propertySelectors)
UpdateResult<TModel> GetPropertyUpdates<TModel>(this TModel baseModel, TModel updatedModel, params Expression<Func<TModel, object>>[] propertySelectors)
bool IsFileNameValid(string fileName)
string ToSafeFileName(string filename)