
This is the repository for my final year project

Primary LanguagePython

README file for project work: EEE4022S
Name: Tlotliso Mapana
University of Cape Town

Compile steps:

1.	make all:	compile all programs

2.	make run:	execute all programs in the order that they were compiled

3.	make [OPTION]:	[choose an option from these below to execute a program individually]

	(a)	runHough:	execute only the houghtransform program
	(b)	runMask: 	execute only the maskrcnn program

4.	make clean:	cleanup the project and delete all the compiled object files and the binary executable files

The various inputs to the programs can be found in the 'data' folder, inputs may be changed to test for other images.

When compiled, the binary executable files will be in the 'bin' folder.