
Crowdfunding Campaigns on Excel

Crowdfunding Campaign – Excel


Crowdfunding campaigns are used to launch new products and generate interest, however, not every project is successful. The purpose of this excel workbook was to analyze the crowdfunding data of 1,000 projects to uncover market trends.

What Is Involved The following was uncovered in the Crowdfunding excel workbook:

  • ‘Outcomes’ with conditional formatting for successful, failed, canceled or live campaigns.
  • ‘Percent Funded’ to determine how much a campaign made relative to the initial goal. Conditional formatting was completed according to a three-colour scale.
  • ‘Average Donation’ to determine how much each project backer paid on average.
  • Splitting of columns to determine a ‘Parent Category’ and ‘Sub-Category’.
  • Date conversions for campaigns when they were created and ended.
  • Goal analysis of the number of successful, failed and canceled campaigns.
  • Running statistical analysis of the campaign outcomes that were successful and failed.

The following charts/tables were created to further evaluate the dataset:

  • Pivot table and stacked column pivot chart comparing the ‘Parent Category’ to the outcomes that were successful, canceled, failed, and/or live. This was also completed for the ‘Sub-Category’.
  • Pivot table and pivot line chart comparing the months to outcomes of the canceled, failed and successful campaigns.
  • Line chart depicting the outcomes based on goal.

Report of Data and Statistical Analysis Conclusions regarding the crowdfunding campaigns, limitations of the dataset and recommendations for other potential graphs/tables, as well as a statistical analysis of the dataset can be examined in the Crowdfunding Report & Statistical Analysis document.


  • Dataset provided by edX UofT Data Analytics, which had been generated by Trilogy Education Services, LLC.