Final solo project for Module 3 of Turing's Back-End Engineering program. This is a backend api endpoint application that will power a sperate front end application written in JavaScript. This app consumes the Google Geocode API, Dark Sky API, and Giphy API. This app has endpoints for: Forecast for a City, Account Creation, Logging in, Creating a Favorite City, Listing Favorites, and Deleting a Favorite, Weather based GIFs.
Checkout the frontend application here:
This displays the forecast endpoint:,CO
This project assumes you have installed:
- Ruby 2.4.1
- Rails 5.2.1
- Faraday
- Figaro
- Byebug
- Capybara
- Faraday
- Figaro
- Launchy
- Pry
- Shoulda-Matchers
- SimpleCov
- Webmock
- Clone down the repo:
git clone
- Run:
bundle install
bundle update
- Setup the database:
rake db:setup
To run the full testing suite, run rspec
from the command line.
"data": {
"id": "denver,co",
"type": "forecast_facade",
"attributes": {
"current_weather": {
"id": null,
"time": 1552070489,
"summary": "Partly Cloudy",
"icon": "partly-cloudy-day",
"temperature": 52.28,
"feels_like": 52.28,
"humidity": 0.39,
"visibility": 9.38,
"uv_index": 4
"daily_weather": [
"id": null,
"summary": "Foggy in the morning.",
"icon": "fog",
"time": 1552028400,
"temp_high": 55.2,
"temp_low": 32.99,
"chance_of_rain": 0.1
"id": null,
"summary": "Partly cloudy until afternoon.",
"icon": "partly-cloudy-day",
"time": 1552114800,
"temp_high": 48.44,
"temp_low": 27.47,
"chance_of_rain": 0.06
"id": null,
"summary": "Mostly cloudy throughout the day.",
"icon": "partly-cloudy-day",
"time": 1552201200,
"temp_high": 47.05,
"temp_low": 27.53,
"chance_of_rain": 0.05
"id": null,
"summary": "Mostly cloudy until afternoon.",
"icon": "partly-cloudy-day",
"time": 1552284000,
"temp_high": 51.38,
"temp_low": 32.51,
"chance_of_rain": 0.15
"id": null,
"summary": "Foggy overnight.",
"icon": "fog",
"time": 1552370400,
"temp_high": 56.29,
"temp_low": 34.95,
"chance_of_rain": 0.09
"hourly_weather": [
"id": null,
"time": "11:00 AM",
"icon": "partly-cloudy-day",
"summary": "Partly Cloudy",
"temperature": 50.05
"id": null,
"time": "12:00 PM",
"icon": "partly-cloudy-day",
"summary": "Mostly Cloudy",
"temperature": 53.28
"id": null,
"time": "01:00 PM",
"icon": "partly-cloudy-day",
"summary": "Mostly Cloudy",
"temperature": 55.2
"id": null,
"time": "02:00 PM",
"icon": "partly-cloudy-day",
"summary": "Partly Cloudy",
"temperature": 55.13
"id": null,
"time": "03:00 PM",
"icon": "partly-cloudy-day",
"summary": "Partly Cloudy",
"temperature": 54.77
"id": null,
"time": "04:00 PM",
"icon": "partly-cloudy-day",
"summary": "Partly Cloudy",
"temperature": 54.5
"id": null,
"time": "05:00 PM",
"icon": "partly-cloudy-day",
"summary": "Mostly Cloudy",
"temperature": 52.76
"id": null,
"time": "06:00 PM",
"icon": "partly-cloudy-night",
"summary": "Mostly Cloudy",
"temperature": 50.21
"id": null,
"time": "07:00 PM",
"icon": "partly-cloudy-night",
"summary": "Mostly Cloudy",
"temperature": 46.62
"id": null,
"time": "08:00 PM",
"icon": "partly-cloudy-night",
"summary": "Mostly Cloudy",
"temperature": 43.46
"id": null,
"time": "09:00 PM",
"icon": "partly-cloudy-night",
"summary": "Mostly Cloudy",
"temperature": 42.01
"id": null,
"time": "10:00 PM",
"icon": "partly-cloudy-night",
"summary": "Mostly Cloudy",
"temperature": 41.56
POST api/v1/users
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
"email": "",
"password": "abc123"
Response :
status: 201
"data": {
"id": "10",
"type": "user",
"attributes": {
"api_key": "GxYAs44_ZCw3Yqwu2Cc6NQ"
POST /api/v1/sessions
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
"email": "",
"password": "abc123"
status: 200
"data": {
"id": "10",
"type": "user",
"attributes": {
"api_key": "GxYAs44_ZCw3Yqwu2Cc6NQ"
POST /api/v1/favorites
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
"api_key": "GxYAs44_ZCw3Yqwu2Cc6NQ",
"location": "Denver, CO"
status: 200
"data": {
"id": "4",
"type": "favorite",
"attributes": {
"location": "Denver, CO",
"current_weather": {
"id": null,
"time": 1552073663,
"summary": "Partly Cloudy",
"icon": "partly-cloudy-day",
"temperature": 76.17,
"feels_like": 76.17,
"humidity": 0.52,
"visibility": 10,
"uv_index": 6
GET /api/v1/favorites
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
"api_key": ""GxYAs44_ZCw3Yqwu2Cc6NQ""
status: 200
"data": {
"id": "4",
"type": "favorite",
"attributes": {
"location": "Denver, CO",
"current_weather": {
"id": null,
"time": 1552073663,
"summary": "Partly Cloudy",
"icon": "partly-cloudy-day",
"temperature": 76.17,
"feels_like": 76.17,
"humidity": 0.52,
"visibility": 10,
"uv_index": 6
DELETE /api/v1/favorites
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
"api_key": "GxYAs44_ZCw3Yqwu2Cc6NQ",
"location": "Denver, CO"
status: 200