Contents of the vending machine lives in tiny_vending_machine.json
Running the program should present a prompt.
Hello, please enter a command:
(c)ontents - Prints the contents of the vending machine.
(i)nsert money - Takes in coins and prints total money inserted.
(v)alid coin values - Prints the valid coins inputs: Accepts coins of 1,5,10,25 Cents i.e. penny, nickel, dime, and quarter.
(p)urchase - Displays a prompt to enter the slot they'd like to purchase.
> i
Please insert your money > 13
Not a valid coin.
Please insert your money > 25
Total inserted: 25
> i
Please insert your money > 25
Total inserted: 50
> p
Please enter the slot of the item you'd like to vend > g7
Not a valid slot...
> p
Please enter the slot of the item you'd like to vend > b1
Sorry. There are no items remaining.
> p
Please enter the slot of the item you'd like to vend > a1
Insufficient funds. Please (i)nsert more money.
> i
Please insert your money > 25,25,25,25
Total inserted: 100
> p
Please enter the slot of the item you'd like to vend > a1
Enjoy your Snickers!
- Rewrite the JSON file each time something vends successfully
- Provide change
- Create a preference for returning larger coins first
- Change should only be in the supported coin types
- Vending machine admin:
- Reset the contents
- Make sure each slot is not over filled