
Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


The revocation work item group is part of the crypto-wg (https://identity.foundation/working-groups/crypto.html). We will define one or more revocation methods for verifiable credentials. The base of this working group is the definition of the work item. You can find the description here https://github.com/decentralized-identity/crypto-wg/blob/main/work_items/revocation_methods_for_verifiable_credentials_.md


Regular meetings will be held bi-weekly on Thursday. Just before the crypto-wg call. Starting Thursday 20:00 CEST 16.09.2021 Details see DIF calender. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82260779505?pwd=RTVsNGZGaFZ2cHdCd0hBanNvQnRudz09 Agenda and meeting minutes can be found in the folder /meeting_minutes

Work item owner

Procedure and Status

We do not start with a specific accumulator method. We will first collect all possible methods, group them, assess them and then select suitable methods. With this method we want to avoid iterations and ensure that we have assessed all promissing methods.

Step # Step Status Owner
1 Collect revocation methods Running tbd
2 Define assessment setup (#of entries, #of revocations per epoch,...)
for performance testing
To-Do tbd
3 - Define requirements for privacy (correlation (linked, linkable), traceability,
leaking of usage data,..)
- Define performance requirements (computational effort, storage,
data transmission, sizes,...)
To-Do tbd
4 Assess the revocation methods and define one or more revocation methods
that fits the purpose
To-Do tbd
5 Create the protocol To-Do tbd