
This script will help in submitting Splunk Apps and Add-Ons to appInspect for Splunk Cloud vetting. This script will log in to Splunkbase to obtain a token that is then used to submit the App/Add-On to appInspect. It will periodically check to see if the process has completed (once per minute) and when completed will retrieve the AppInspect results, save it into a file in the local directory and then open that file in a browser.

More information on appInspect can be found on dev.splunk.com

To create your packaged app file from the command line use the following command: COPYFILE_DISABLE=1 tar -cvzf <appname>.tgz <appname_directory>

How to use this script:

./submit_appInspect.sh <TA_Filename> <Splunkbase userid>

How this works:

Login to Splunkbase to retreive your token for submissions:

curl -X GET -u <splunkbase_id> --url "https://api.splunk.com/2.0/rest/login/splunk"

which results in the following response:

    "msg":"Successfully authenticated user and assigned a token",

Submit an app/add-on to appInspect:

curl -X POST \
     -H "Authorization: bearer <token>" \
     -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" \
     -F "app_package=@\"<TA_Filename>\"" \
     --url "https://appinspect.splunk.com/v1/app/validate"

which results in the following response:

    "request_id": "<request_id>",
    "message": "Validation request submitted.",
    "links": [
            "rel": "status",
            "href": "/v1/app/validate/status/c<request_id>"
            "rel": "report",
            "href": "/v1/app/report/<request_id>"
            "rel": "package",
            "href": "/v1/app/package/<request_id>"

Check the status of a submission:

Once the App/Add-On has been submitted you can check the status using the status url above.

curl -s -X GET \
         -H "Authorization: bearer <token>" \
         --url "https://appinspect.splunk.com/v1/app/validate/status/<request_id>"

which results in the following response:

    "request_id": "<request_id>", 
    "links": [ 
        { "href": "/v1/app/validate/status/<request_id>",  
          "rel": "self" 
        { "href": "/v1/app/report/<request_id>", 
          "rel": "report" 
    "status": "PROCESSING" 

Request the report for a submission:

Once the process is complete (status = SUCCESS|FAILURE|FAILED) you can retrieve the results using the report url above.

curl -s -X GET \
         -H "Authorization: bearer <token>" \
         --url "https://appinspect.splunk.com/v1/app/report/<request_id>"

The report is in HTML format.

Additional Submissions

Similarlly you can submit a Splunk App or Add-On for Splunk cloud vetting. The only difference is the addtion of the included_tags=cloud parameter used to submit the request. The curl for cloud vetting is:

curl -s -X POST \
     -H "Authorization: bearer <token>" \
     -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" \
     -F "app_package=@\"<TA_Filename>\"" \
     -F "included_tags=cloud" \
     --url "https://appinspect.splunk.com/v1/app/validate"

Checking the status of the submission and retrieving the results are the same as appInspect above.