
This is a Splunk Application for visualizing data sent from Boomerang.js


This is a Splunk Application for visualizing data sent from Boomerang.js


  • The installation of End User Monitoring consists of 3 parts:
    • Configure an HTTP Event Collector endpoint to recieve the metrics
    • Edit the inputs.conf file for your new HEC input (allow CrossOriginSharingPolicy)
    • Add Boomerang.js to your web pages

Detailed installation instructions can be found in the Setup Instructions dashboard in the app.

Sample Screenshot

Quick Installation Sample

Add the following code to your web pages (in the "<HEAD>" section)

<script src="/js/boomerang.js" />
<script src="/js/plugins/rt.js" />
<script src="/js/plugins/navtiming.js" />
<script src="/js/plugins/guid.js" />

    beacon_url: "http://splunk_server:HECport/services/collector/raw?channel=XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX",
    beacon_auth_token: "Splunk XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX",
    beacon_type: "POST"
 BOOMR.addVar({ "ua_raw": navigator.userAgent	 });          // used in Splunk dashboards
 BOOMR.addVar({ "guid": BOOMR.utils.getCookie("GUID")	 });  // uniquely identify this user

Optionally add in any other metrics in you like anywhere in your web page

  		"activity_name": "checkout",		
  		"item_id": 1234,
  		"item_name": "iPad Air",
  		"order_total": 450.00