- 0
- 0
Wanted ruby3.0 on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS support
#241 opened by ihatomorio - 6
`vagrant (= 2.3.0)` required by `user-specified dependency` when execute install command
#240 opened by otorain - 3
problem with https yum proxy
#238 opened by joawin - 18
Cannot add PPA: user or team does not exist
#171 opened by forseti - 12
npm proxy error
#236 opened by bakeDong1 - 0
Looking for a new maintainer with GO experience
#237 opened by codylane - 3
- 21
- 13
Bug while triying to configure Docker daemon service that does not exist - Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS, vagrant-proxyconf 2.0.10
#227 opened by dostarora97 - 7
Invalid user: 'vagrant:docker'
#231 opened by adespain - 4
Proxy Windows 10
#226 opened by nyukers - 1
BUG: On Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS | systemctl daemon-reload | bash: line 4: systemctl: command not found
#229 opened by MaxPeal - 8
BUG: On Ubuntu 18.04 vagrant-proxyconf 2.0.1 when docker-ce-cli is installed it tries to configure systemd even though the docker daemon service is not there.
#192 opened by codylane - 5
proxy to be setup before GuestDebian comes in
#205 opened by greut - 35
Respect Existing Docker Config Location
#218 opened by chucknelson - 3
Enable proxy for Yarn
#165 opened by heronrs - 2
Testing bug in upstream vagrant >= 2.2.5
#209 opened by codylane - 17
- 1
Cut the 2.0.8 release
#221 opened by codylane - 6
Force rerun of proxy configuration
#217 opened by datosh - 1
- 3
Feature Request: Add Snap Proxy Support
#216 opened by AjkayAlan - 12
Plugin initialization is taking too long.
#215 opened by lucasmior - 4
Installation failed
#214 opened by Ciribomflax - 9
/etc/docker/config.json permission
#207 opened by antoinetran - 4
docker proxy setting failure when docker was installed.
#206 opened by tkang007 - 0
Cut the 2.0.7 release
#211 opened by codylane - 29
Proxy doesn't work for Docker with systemd
#172 opened by xliiv - 5
FEATURE: Add Acquire::https::Verify-Peer and Acquire::https::Verify-Host for apt proxy
#199 opened by codylane - 4
- 1
BUG: Docker proxyconf issues
#189 opened by codylane - 11
Provisioning of docker fails
#180 opened by jub77 - 11
Docker provider: Guest-specific operations were attempted on a machine that is not ready for guest communication.
#181 opened by h-no - 5
- 13
proxyconf failing to configure proxy for docker
#187 opened by donraikes - 6
Cannot force to write but without configuration
#188 opened by haxorof - 2
Docker proxy config doesn't work on CoreOS 1465.6.0
#162 opened by rlenskij - 5
proxy env configuration is in valid
#163 opened by bertramn - 6
dind proxy in vagrant
#174 opened by ozbillwang - 2
Trigger proxy_conf on vagrant ssh
#185 opened by hinstef - 4
Can't install vagrant-proxyconf because of proxy
#184 opened by nickderv - 0
Display on
#175 opened by nqb - 3
- 14
Disable proxy settings in provisioned box
#167 opened by vladonemo - 4
Please push to rubygems or grant me access to push
#178 opened by codylane - 2
- 1
testing the settings
#168 opened by ajburley - 1
Does proxyconf support vagrant box?
#170 opened by ajburley - 4