
High-quality JavaScript bindings for OCaml

Primary LanguageOCamlMIT LicenseMIT

OCaml JavaScript bindings

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High-quality JavaScript bindings for OCaml.

Want bindings for a library? Open an issue!

The bindings have been generated using ts2ocaml from the TypeScript type definitions found in https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/tree/master/lib.

The generated bindings have then been manually modified to improve the API. Notably the bindings differ from the underlying implementation in the following ways:

  • No ArrayLike, ArrayBufferLike, PromiseLike and co. OCaml does not have implicits (yet), so we just replace all of these with their counterparts (ArrayLike is replaced by Array)
  • We don't include Symbols accessors. gen_js_api does not support this, and it really does not seem useful anyways

The bindings don't depend on any PPX (and in particular, they don't depend on gen_js_api). Instead, the generated bindings are promoted and the installable libraries copies the promoted files.

To do

  • Replace cast with include module type of
  • Create the on functions
  • investigate long function variants (''''')
  • Add builder for VSCode