
Primary LanguageOCamlMIT LicenseMIT

Let's Write a Simple Blog in OCaml

This repository contains a tutorial suitable for use in a workshop format.

The goal of writing a blog website is broken down into discrete tasks with respective possible solutions.

On every step, the file TASK.md contains explanations, instructions, as well as some hints on what to do next.

What exactly are we building?

A blog is a website that displays long-form posts on specific topics, keywords, or sources.

The individual posts will be presented in a single, easy-to-read feed.


I. Introduction (5 minutes)

1. Briefly introduce speakers and their experience with OCaml

2. Introduce the topic of the talk and its relevance to the audience

II. What is Functional Programming? (15 minutes)

See Functional Programming

III. Setup your environment (15 minutes)

Clone the repository, use dev container. Open the terminal, and UTop!

Clone https://github.com/sabine/ocaml-blog-tutorial. Install the dev container VSCode extension: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers.

CTRL+SHIFT+P "Dev Containers: Open Folder in Container"

IV. A Tour of OCaml (1 hour)

Open https://staging.ocaml.org/docs/a-tour-of-ocaml and go through it.

V. Web Development in OCaml (1 hour)

  • 1st hour
    • 15min - fp_examples.ml
    • 45min - Tour of OCaml with utop in the dev container -
  • 2nd hour: starting from the hello world example in this repo, we build a very simple blog
    • break 15min
    • run the hello world example
    • do step by step project from the folders
  • 3rd hour:
    • represent the blog post as OCaml datatype
    • load the blog post from a markdown file
    • render a HTML template that lists all blog posts

TODO: make playgrounds for the Tour of OCaml