TCP OpenPaaS

TCP OpenPaaS Infra


  • ProLinux 8.6
  • Configure /etc/hosts for master and worker nodes

Setup master node

Install Kubernetes, Containerd, Calico and TCP OpenPaaS

  1. Download installer file in our repository
    git clone
  2. Modify k8s.config to suit your environment
    • cniPluginVersion : cni plugin version
    • k8sVersion : kubeadm, kubelet, kubectl version
    • apiServer : The IP address the API Server will advertise it's listening on.
      • ex : apiServer={Kubernetes master IP}
      • ex : apiServer=
    • podSubnet : Pod IPs will be chosen from this range. This should fall within --cluster-cidr.
      • ex : podSubnet={POD_IP_POOL}/{CIDR}
      • ex : podSubnet=
    • calicoVersion : calico network plugin version(OPTIONAL)
      • If nothing is specified, the default version(v3.27.0) is installed.
      • ex : calicoVersion=3.27.0
  3. Execute installer script
  4. Get the join command for worker node
    kubeadm token create --print-join-command
    You can get the result in this format:
    kubeadm join --token mnp5b8.u7tl2cruk73gh0zh     --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:662a697f67ecbb8b376898dcd5bf4df806249175ea4a90c2d3014be399c6c18a
  5. If you create a single node Kubernetes cluster, you have to untaint the master node
    kubectl taint nodes --all
  6. If the installation process fails, execute uninstaller script then installer script again

Setup worker nodes

Install Kubernetes and Containerd

  1. Download installer file in our repository
    git clone
  2. Modify k8s.config to suit your environment
    • cniPluginVersion : cni plugin version
    • k8sVersion : kubeadm, kubelet, kubectl version
  3. Execute installer script
  4. Execute the join command
    kubeadm join --token mnp5b8.u7tl2cruk73gh0zh     --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:662a697f67ecbb8b376898dcd5bf4df806249175ea4a90c2d3014be399c6c18a
  5. If the installation process fails, execute uninstaller script then installer script again

TCP OpenPaaS NFS Storage


  • All nodes in the k8s cluster require the nfs-utils package to be installed

Setup all nodes

Install nfs packages

  1. install nfs-utils packages
    sudo yum install -y nfs-utils

Setup master node

Install NFS-Server, NFS-Provisioning

  1. Modify

    • NFS_PATH : NFS directory path
      • ex : NFS_PATH=/mnt/nfs-shared-dir
    • If no directory is specified, the default path is /mnt/nfs-shared-dir
  2. Execute NFS installer script

  3. Enter Master Node IP after Execute NFS installer script

    Enter Master IP: ex)