My personal site. Built with Pug and a custom script.


# Install packages
# Build the project into build/public/ (required for every change!)
yarn build
# Serve the static files at build/public/ (development only)
yarn start

The build script just executes the build.js file. Here's a summary of how it works:

  • Looks at src/pages/blog/index.json to find all blog posts' metadata (title, slug, and date).
  • Uses src/blog-gen/post.pug as a template for compiling each blog post Markdown file into HTML, each time replacing content with the associated rendered Markdown content.
  • Recursively compiles .pug files within src/pages/ into HTML, keeping the same directory structure. If a .json file with the same basename exists next to the Pug template, it will pass that JSON object to the Pug compiler only for that template.
  • Finally, it recursively copies src/assets/ into build/public/assets/.