- The purpose of this analysis is to evaluate two machine learning models to evaluate loan risk.
- A dataset of historical lending activity from a peer-to-peer lending services company was used to identify the creditworthiness of borrowers.
- The variables that were used to predict creditworthiness of borrowers were the value counts of the loan status. The two loan statuses used were Healthy (0) and High-Risk (1)
- The Data was split into Training and Testing Sets by utilizing the train_test_split method
- Two methods were used to analyze the Data:
- A Logistic Regression Model was used with the original data
- A Logistic Regression Model was created with Over-Sampled Training Data.
Machine Learning Model 1: A Logistic Regression Model was used with the original data
- Balanced Accuracy Score: 95%
- Precision Score: 0-100% and 1-85% As can be seen the model was able to predict healthy loans better than high-risk loans
- Recall Score: 0-99% and 1-91% As seen the model was able to correctly identify healthy loans better than high risk loans
Machine Learning Model 2: A Logistic Regression Model was created with Over-Sampled Training Data
- Balanced Accuracy Score: 99%
- Precision Score: 0-100% and 1-85% As can be seen the model was able to predict healthy loans better than high-risk loans
- Recall Score: 0-99% and 1-91% As seen the model was able to correctly identify healthy loans better than high risk loans
The oversampled model generated a balanced accuracy score of 99% which is higher than the original model. This model also does better at catching false negative and false positive scores for both health and high-risk loans.