
Primary LanguageTypeScriptISC LicenseISC


Getting Started


This codebase requires the following tools to be present on your machine.

Running the Project

To get started with this project:

Populate dev-harness/.env.

Run services:

$ make run-services

You should see this in the Tilt UI: tilt-harness

The React Frontend: react-frontend

The Apollo GraphQL Sandbox: apollo-graphql-sandbox

Accessing Services

  • 10350 - The Tilt Harness (with the react-frontend selected).
  • 3000 - React Frontend.
  • 3000 - GraphQL Sandbox.
  • 4000 - GraphQL Gateway.
  • 5432 - PostgreSQL database.
  • 8080 - Go GraphQL backend
  • 6379 - Redis Server.
  • 6380 - RedisInsight web UI.
  • 16686 - Jaeger web UI (distributed trace viewer).

Directory Structure

The project is divided into various directories, each corresponding to a distinct part of the application. Here's a quick breakdown:

  • ./go-graphql-backend: This directory contains a backend service implemented in Go with the help of gqlgen, a Go library for building GraphQL servers. It includes support for subscriptions.

  • ./react-frontend: This is a frontend application built with React and TypeScript. React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces, and TypeScript is a statically typed superset of JavaScript that adds optional types.

  • ./gateway: This directory contains a sample setup that combines multiple backend services.

  • ./dev-harness: This directory contains examples of docker-compose.yml files showing how to configure Docker Compose to run the various components of this project together.

Each directory contains a README.md file with more detailed information about that part of the project.

Further Reading