
Extract 'Em!: email attachment extraction extension for Mozilla Thunderbird

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

Extract 'Em! icon Extract 'Em!

Email attachment extraction extension for Mozilla Thunderbird

User Guide

Please visit the Extract 'Em! wiki page for instructions on using this extension.


To report an issue (or to offer suggestions for new feeatures or general improvements), please email extractem-dev@tmccoid.tech, providing the operating system (Windows 11, MacOS, etc.) and Thunderbird version you are currently using in addition to a description of the problem.


Currently, the following languages are supported:

Locale Language English name
en English
de Deutsch German
es Español Spanish
fr Français French
hu Magyar Hungarian
it Italiano Italian
pl Polski Polish
ru Русский Russian

With the partial exception of Hungarian/Magyar, translations were provided by the Google 2 translation engine and may contain inaccuracies. Please report corrections or suggestions for improvements to extractem-dev@tmccoid.tech, or open an issue.

Further language support will be considered provided there is sufficient demand.


This extension is made available under the Mozilla Public License 2.0.