
Send Threat Stack alerts to Datadog as events.

Primary LanguagePython

threatstack-to-datadog Build Status

Takes a Threat Stack web hook request and add an event to DataDog.

NOTE: This code is provided as an example and without support for creating services that use Threat Stack webhooks to perform actions within an environment.


This service can be deployed to AWS running on Lambda behind AWS API gateway by clicking "Launch Stack". Launch CloudFormation Stack


POST https://{host}/threatstack-to-datadog/api/v1/datadog/event

Post a JSON doc from Threat Stack and record an event in DataDog. JSON doc will be in the following format. NOTE: A webhook may contain multiple alerts but this service will store each one individually.

  "alerts": [
      "id": "<alert ID>",
      "title": "<alert title / description>",
      "created_at": <time in milliseconds from epoch UTC>,
      "severity": <severity value>,
      "organization_id": "<alphanumeric organization ID>",
      "server_or_region": "<name of host in Threat Stack platform>",
      "source": "<source type>"

Standalone Setup / Build / Deploy


Setup will need to be performed for both this service and in Threat Stack.

Set the following environmental variables:

$ export DATADOG_API_KEY=<API key>
$ export DATADOG_APP_KEY=<App key>
$ export THREATSTACK_API_KEY=<Threat Stack API key>

Create and initialize Python virtualenv using virtualenvwrapper

mkvirtualenv threatstack-to-datadog
pip install -r requirements.txt

NOTE: If Running on OS X you will need extra packages to work around issues with Python and SSL. OS X usage should be for development only.

pip install -r requirements.osx.txt

To launch the service:

gunicorn -c gunicorn.conf.py threatstack-to-datadog

If performing debugging you may wish to run the app directly instead of via Gunicorn:

python threatstack-to-datadog.py


This service uses Chef Habitat to build deployable packages. Habitat supports the following package formats natively:

  • Habitat package (.hart)
  • tar
  • docker
  • aci
  • mesos

See the following resources for getting started with Habitat.

Building packages:

# Builds Habitat .hart package
$ hab pkg build build/

# Export a Docker container
$ hab pkg export docker <your_docker_org>/threatstack-to-datadog

Building in Hab studio (OS X):

$ hab studio enter
[1][default:/src:0]# cd build/

# Builds Habitat .hart package
[2][default:/src/build:0]# build

# Export a Docker container.
[3][default:/src/build:0]# hab pkg export docker <your_docker_org>/threatstack-to-datadog