
A Streamlabs Chatbot script for running the Jak and Daxter fishing minigame game.

Primary LanguagePython

Fish Game

This is a custom script for the Streamlabs Chatbot which plays the meta-minigame in chat for the Jak and Daxter fishing minigame in Forbidden Jungle.

Originally made for OutrageousJosh, but available for anyone who wants it.


  1. Download the latest from the releases page. The file that you want is called FishGame_x.y.z.zip.
  2. Go to "Scripts" in the Chatbot UI.
  3. Click the "Import" button in the upper right.
  4. Choose the ZIP that you downloaded.
  5. (Upgrading only.) Accept the prompt to overwrite the previous version. Whenever possible, settings are maintained when upgrading.
  6. (Upgrading only.) See the release notes for the new version for any changes that you need to be aware of, including new/changed settings.


If you run into problems please open a new issue here on GitHub and I will do my best to help you out!