
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Step 1:

Write a function that returns the following result, for a continuous range of numbers:

  • the number
  • 'fizz' for numbers that are multiples of 3
  • 'buzz' for numbers that are multiples of 5
  • 'fizzbuzz' for numbers that are multiples of 15

e.g. if I run the program over a range from 1-20 I should get the following result:

[1, 2, 'fizz', 4, 'buzz', 'fizz', 7, 8, 'fizz', 'buzz', 11, 'fizz', 13, 14, 'fizzbuzz', 16, 17, 'fizz', 19, 'buzz']

Step 2:

Enhance your existing FizzBuzz solution to perform the following:

If the number contains a three you must output the text 'lucky'. This overrides any existing behaviour

e.g. if I run the program over a range from 1-20 I should get the following result

[1, 2, 'lucky', 4, 'buzz', 'fizz', 7, 8, 'fizz', 'buzz', 11, 'fizz', 'lucky', 14, 'fizzbuzz', 16, 17, 'fizz', 19, 'buzz']

Step 3:

Enhance your existing solution to perform the following:

Return an object with the result and a report showing how many times the following were output

  • fizz
  • buzz
  • fizzbuzz
  • lucky
  • an integer

e.g. if I run the program over a range from 1-20 I should get the following result:

  result: [1, 2, 'lucky', 4, 'buzz', 'fizz', 7, 8, 'fizz', 'buzz', 11, 'fizz', 'lucky', 14, 'fizzbuzz', 16, 17, 'fizz', 19, 'buzz'],
  report: {
    fizz: 4
    buzz: 3
    fizzbuzz: 1
    lucky: 2
    integer: 10

(Integer is 10 because there were 10 numbers that were not altered in any way).