
Love Movies? Here's a project about creating you Top 5 list

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Welcome to Movie Night at Jigsaw.xyz

Thanks for applying - we're excited to see you! Without further ado, here's today's challenge. Get stuck in and enjoy yourselves.

“Roads? Where we're going we don't need roads.” - Dr. Emmet Brown Ph.D.

So what do we want you to do? Here are some User Stories to get you started:

As a Film Enthusiast
So I can find a good movie to watch
I want to Search through a list of movies
As a Film Enthusiast
So I can get a sense for what to watch
I want to See the movie title, poster and an overview
As a Film Enthusiast
So I can remember what I've been browsing
I want to pick my favourite films from a list
As a Film Enthusiast
So I know which films a re good and which are bad
I want to rank movies in order
As a Film Enthusiast who can only count up to 5
So that I can remember my favourite films ever
I want to persist only my top 5 to a database
As a Film Enthusiast
So I can change my mind
I want to be able to re-order my ranking list
As a Film Enthusiast who can only count up to 5
So I can understand what is a good film or not,
I want to change a pre-determined ranking to be out of 5
As a Film Enthusiast
So I can add new films to my Top 5
Dynamically update my rankings

"That’ll do, pig, that’ll do" - Arthur Hoggett, Farmer

Our pre-made stack in this repo is React, Express and MongoDb. The repo is split into 2 folders, front_end for the client side app and BackEnd for the server side.

Clone it, have a look around, run npm i in both folders and get building safe in the knowledge that the config is done.

Feel free to explore your Javascript imagination but don't get bogged down trying to implement a package... we wanna see your code.

"Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope." - Leia Organa, Princess.

This Mystical API will help you with finding all the info you could ever need about movies. It's not actually mystical.. thanks to themoviedb.org for building it! The config for the API is here

“I’m having an old friend for dinner” - Dr. Hannibal Lectre Ph.D.

So let's talk persistence... For this challenge, the client has asked that the database table follow a particular schema so that it can be integrated into a further set out 'Top 5' style lists.

The schema that you will need to follow for persisting the data is:

    "_id": 396371,
    "overview": "Naval Aviator, Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell (Tom Cruise), takes a whirlwind adventure with partner Nick 'Goose' Bradshaw. Sexy, misunderstood, full-throttle machismo. Tremendous.",
    "posterPath": "/h9hUP5ZJGsjL2wbERrGlj4dMjZq.jpg",
    "releaseDate": "2017-12-21",
    "title": "Top Gun",
    "ownScore": 5.0
    "communityScore": 9.9

"Just keep swimming" - Dori, Fish.

On that note, what are we looking for...

  • Well crafted, well tested code
  • Clean, object oriented design
  • How you approach the problem?
  • How do you interact with your pair?
  • Can you push the boundaries of your knowledge?
  • How do you deliver to a brief within a short time window?
  • Are you having fun?