Hulu Clone

My aim for this project was to create a website where the user can view and search for movies and TV shows. The data is provided by The Movie Database with version 3 of their database being used.

The website has 2 parts:

  • The welcoming Home page, which is a direct visual clone of Hulu's official Welcome site which I used as a visual reference and made my own rendition of it using Tailwind CSS.
  • The media viewing part of the site which queries TheMovieDB. I first made a skeleton of the app which queries for movies and shows them. Then I expanded the app with a search function, TV Shows and detail views for single movies and shows.

Technologies used

  • React
  • Next.js
  • Tailwind CSS

You can find the site live here

More information on this project's development process on my blog

To run this site locally, clone this repo and use:

  • npm install
  • npm run dev