
Foursquare location data api with decisions making on workplace location

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Foursquare location data application


Location data is relatively new source of data to be used in decision making. Foursquare is a key location data providers. The purpose of this analysis is to use location data in order to drive insights best places for workplaces in terms of attractiveness from social perspective. Best talent not only wants to work, but as well work near trendy restaurants, where trendy people can be seen during the lunch hour or afterwork meetup.

Foursquare location data

Companies spend time analysing office locations and very often the price is the key factor. However, workplaces are social surroundings and work is often completed working efficiently as a team. Large companies can afford hiring professional experts to advise selecting best location. There may still be eventually two equal locations with similar price and location data may offer valuable insight for helping to select the most appropiate location. For example, a closeby high quality Italian restaurants, may be a major benefit for an Italian startup. Alternatively, some companies want to offer free gym-memberships to its workers, so it may be especially beneficial the location to offer low-cost gyms closeby. In general, location data is relatively little used source of data for decision making in workplace-location decisions.

The review is summarized in the below blog post: Madrid office location.