👋 Hi, I'm Dori

Welcome to my public github profile! Here is where I host projects I've worked on to showcase my skills and technologies I've worked with.

About Me

I'm currently a math student, pursuing a career in game development!

Technologies I love working with

python logo Python

A space-invader style game implemented in Python using the Pygame library. This was the first game I ever made, and I learned a lot about game development and programming in general while working on it. This was also the first coding project that I have worked on in a team, and I learned a lot about collaborative coding using git and GitHub.

Skills: Python, Pygame, game loops, collision detection, sprite animation.

java logo Java

This project was based on an assignment I completed for a data structures course. It simulates a realistic inventory database for a bookstore. I learned how to implement and operate on linked lists and circular linked lists, and how to use them to store and retrieve data. I also practiced data validation and error handling.

Skills: Java, linked lists, circular linked lists, file IO, data validation, error handling.

A simple calculator GUI implemented in Java using the Swing library. I learned how to use the Swing library to create a GUI, and how to implement the model-view-controller architecture.

Skills: Java, Swing, UI design, MVC architecture.

java logo C

A credit card number validation system. This program contains an implementation of Luhn's algorithm, which is used to validate credit card numbers. It can also provide information on the card provider. I learned how to use the command line to compile and run C programs.

Skills: C, command line, algorithms.

A program that calculates the score of a word in Scrabble. I learned about the basics of C programming, including data types, variables, functions, and loops. I also learned about handling input and output.

Skills: C, command line, data types, variables, functions, loops, input/output.