a port of denice's chatter algorithm to twitter's api
denice will read the content of your twitter timeline, and create a markov-chain based dictionary from it. then, denice can post dumb reconstructed tweets based on the dictionary.
you will need to make a twitter api key (and client credentials) for the account denice will be using.
a demo instance is running as @denice_wetfish.
- lua >=5.1
- luasql (mysql)
- luaoauth
edit denice.lua, and just fill in the sql and twitter credentials at the top of the file.
just call lua denice.lua <mode>
choose from these 4 modes: fetch, post, test, and stats.
- fetch will parse the latest tweets from your timeline into the database dictionary
- post will post a tweet based on the content of the dictionary
- test will print a candidate tweet to stdout
- stats will print information about the content of the database
you can set up a cronjob to call 'fetch' and 'post' at whatever intervals you want, e.g. fetch every 5 minutes and post every 15 minutes.
both the twitter and irc implementations of denice are maintained by lq.
email: root at lo dot calho dot st