
Explains how to run the Coherence Docker image and view metrics via Grafana using docker-compose.

Primary LanguageShell

Coherence Docker Image with Metrics

This document explains how to run the Coherence Docker image and view metrics via Grafana using docker-compose.

NOTE: This repository is no longer being maintained. Please see the updated projects in https://github.com/tmiddlet2666/coherence-playground.

In this example we initially startup 4 docker images:

  1. 2 x Coherence Community Edition (CE) version 22.09
  2. Grafana - 8.5.6
  3. Prometheus - v2.36.2

The Docker images expose the following ports:

  • Coherence 1
    • 1408 - gRPC Proxy port
    • 9612 - Coherence metrics endpoint to be scraped by Prometheus
    • 20000 - Coherence*Extend port
    • 30000 - Management over REST port
  • Coherence 2
    • 9613 - Coherence metrics endpoint to be scraped by Prometheus
  • Grafana
    • 3000 - Grafana UI
  • Prometheus
    • 9090 - Prometheus UI

Note: As of writing this, the most stable release of Grafana is 8.5.6. It is not recommended to use the 9.X versions yet as they have many bugs still.

You can edit docker-compose.yaml to change the Grafana, Prometheus or Coherence CE version.


You must have the following:

Download the Grafana Dashboards


Run the following to download the dashboards:

cd coherence-docker-metrics/grafana


  1. Clone the Coherence Operator repository - https://github.com/oracle/coherence-operator.git

  2. Copy all the *.json files from coherence-operator/dashboards/grafana to the directory grafana/dashboards under cloned coherence-docker-metrics repository.

Start the Docker containers

from the coherence-docker-metrics directory run:

docker-compose up -d
Creating network "coherence-docker-metrics_coherence" with the default driver
Creating coherence-docker-metrics_prometheus_1 ... done
Creating coherence-docker-metrics_grafana_1    ... done
Creating coherence-docker-metrics_coherence1_1 ... done
Creating coherence-docker-metrics_coherence2_1 ... done

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                               COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS                             PORTS                                                                                                                     NAMES
dd27c452d0f6   grafana/grafana:8.5.6               "/run.sh"                13 seconds ago   Up 11 seconds            >3000/tcp                                                                                                    coherence-docker-metrics_grafana_1
cff1586818ba   ghcr.io/oracle/coherence-ce:22.09   "java -cp /coherence…"   13 seconds ago   Up 11 seconds (health: starting)   1408/tcp, 6676/tcp, 20000-20001/tcp, 30000/tcp,>9612/tcp                                                    coherence-docker-metrics_coherence2_1
fc9f62a6be4e   prom/prometheus:v2.36.2             "/bin/prometheus --c…"   13 seconds ago   Up 11 seconds            >9090/tcp                                                                                                    coherence-docker-metrics_prometheus_1
4e04f10ac3af   ghcr.io/oracle/coherence-ce:22.09   "java -cp /coherence…"   13 seconds ago   Up 11 seconds (health: starting)>1408/tcp,>9612/tcp, 6676/tcp,>20000/tcp,>30000/tcp, 20001/tcp   coherence-docker-metrics_coherence1_1

Access Grafana Dashboards

Access the Grafana dashboard using the following URL:

Default username/password is admin/admin

Access Prometheus

If required, you can access the Prometheus UI using the following URL:


If you have issues with the Grafana dashboards showing data, then check the Prometheus targets using the following URL:

If the connection is not working, then you may need to change the hostname in prometheus/prometheus.yaml to the IP/hostname you are running on.

The current hostname is docker0, IP of, which works for most environments. You can also use host.docker.internal on Mac.

Note: You may also need to change the hostname in grafana/datasources.yaml.


See the following for more information: