Just comment unnecessary containers.
You can use openldap instead of apacheds.
Next steps:
- new branch to deploy some applications.
- new branch to configure HADR.
- new branch with Dynatrace for example.
Following containers are missing (For licensing reasons):
- The WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment (dmgr)
- The WebSphere Portal server
- MQ: MQ explorer, rfhutil or HermesJMS
- LDAP: jxplorer
- WAS: TODO: find a Jython script library to deploy applications, create resources, ...
run Configure_MQRA.py to change MQ configuration. see here
- DB2: SQuirreL
To start all servers: docker-compose up -d.
To see logs: docker-compose logs
To stop all servers: docker-compose stop
To check resources used: docker stats
To delete containers: docker-compose rm
To remove images: docker ps -a | awk '{print $1}' | xargs --no-run-if-empty docker rm
Delete all containers docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
Delete all images docker rmi $(docker images -q)
Interesting links: