Hi there 👋

Tangi Migot's github stats

Postdoc at Polytechnique Montreal and IVADO


I am an active developer of packages inside the JuliaSmoothOptimizers organization. These packages are focused on the development of optimization methods for nonlinear optimization.

Some of our main packages:

  • PDENLPModels.jl: A NLPModel API for optimization problems with PDE-constraints;
  • DCISolver.jl: an optimization solver using the dynamic control of infeasibility method;
  • AdaptiveRegularization.jl: A unified efficient implementation of trust-region type algorithms for unconstrained optimization;
  • FletcherPenaltySolver.jl: Fletcher's penalty method for nonlinear optimization models.

I am also actively working on Stopping.jl: a new framework to implement iterative algorithms. Check out the docs that contains plenty of tutorials and examples.

⚡ Fun fact: I am also a furious chess player 😄.