
Tor gateway packaged into a Docker container

Primary LanguageShell


Tor gateway packaged into a Docker container.

Configuration - defaults

This container provides:

  • HTTP to Socks5 bridge on 8080/tcp
  • Socks5 proxy on 9050/tcp
  • DNS resolver on 53/udp
  • Does not provide any Tor hidden services


ExitPolicy reject *:*


$ docker run -d -p 9050:9050 -p 8080:8080 -p 53:53/udp tmiklas/alpine-tor-gw


$ docker run -d -p 9050:9050 -p 8080:8080 -p 53:53/udp ghcr.io/tmiklas/alpine-tor-gw

Optional settings

Image tagged introduces HTTP to Socks5 bridge on port 8080/tcp. It is active by default, so all that is needed to expose it or use right away in container-to-container comms. This makes it trivial to use tools like curl or wget with Tor.

Image tagged introduces some optional configuration parameters (available also in later versions), that will NOT work with older images:

  • Ability to open ControlPort on 9051/tcp - disabled by default
  • Ability to change ExitPolicy

Enabling ControlPort

To enable ControlPort you have to set authentication method - otherwise Tor will disable ControlPort automatically.

Currently only password based authentication is supported and you can set password by defining ControlPassword environment variable (variable name is case sensitive).


$ docker run -d -p 9050:9050 -p 53:53/udp -p 9051:9051 -e ControlPassword=testpassword tmiklas/alpine-tor-gw

Changing ExitPolicy

As with ControlPort, changing default exit policy is done via ExitPolicy environment variable.

Please read the Tor documentation before changing exit policies!


$ docker run -d -p 9050:9050 -p 53:53/udp -p 9051:9051 -e ExitPolicy="reject *:25" tmiklas/alpine-tor-gw

Build information

  • Base OS: Alpine LATEST (at the time of the build; no automated re-builds at this moment)
  • Tor version: as per image tag, compiled from source (check Docker Hub or ghcr.io for available tags)
  • Image exposed ports:
    • 8080/tcp
    • 9050/tcp
    • 9051/tcp
    • 53/udp