Private OFC test instance


OFC stands for OpenFaaS Cloud - this is OpenFaaS deployed in gitops fashion, where you configure you GitHub repository, push function code and the rest is history.

IMPORTANT - the test instance is running on a massively oversubscribed vmware platform that is not very reliable and can go down at any moment. Don't be a jerk - use this as test/PoC, not to run nmap and stuff.

How to test it?

  • Check if your GitHub username is listed here - unless it's in the list, you have no access
  • Get a copy of faas-cli and download the language templates my instance supports (see below)
  • Create a github repo for your function code - it can be set to PRIVATE
  • Add the builder app to your account and enable it ONLY for the repository that will contain your function code
  • Once you write your function and git push it, the rest will happen automatically - your function will be pulled, built and deployed... nice, isn't it?

Important URLs

Talk to me and I'll let you know :)

There is personal dashboard and function invocation URL in your own namespace... and all the rest is federated with GitHub, so no other accounts needed.

Useful reading

OpenFaaS has really good documentation and is changing very rapidly. To get the basics quickly see the below

Sealed secrets

The platform supports Kubernetes style Sealed Secrets - encrypted with cluster's public key, so you can commit them securely with the code and deploy with your function.

To create secrets.yml you can use the command below with pub-cert.pem included in this repository. Of course you need kubeseal installed (see at the bottom of faas-cli readme for instructions) and remember to include secrets configuration in stack.yml for your function!

faas-cli cloud seal --name my-function-secret --literal hmac-secret=1234 --cert=pub-cert.pem

Supported templates

- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""