
Meteor.js authentication with EvE Online SSO

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Meteor.js authentication with EvE Online SSO


Add to application and follow the graphical configuration guidelines - same as accounts-twitter or accounts-facebook.

Access scopes

By default, accounts-eveonline requests the publicData scope. Can be configured via method options: Meteor.loginWithEveonline({ scope: 'publicData' }).

User data

The following information will be added to Meteor.users records:

  services: {
    eveonline: {
      id: '...', // EvE Online account ID
      accessToken: '...', // Access token for use in CREST API calls
      refreshToken: '...', // Refresh token for updating access token
      expiresAt: ... // Timestamp when access token will expire
  profile: {
    eveOnlineCharacterId: ..., // ID of the character that was selected in login process
    eveOnlineCharacterName: '...' // Name of the character that was selected in login process

Helper functions

accounts-eveonline exposes EveonlineHelpers object with following helper functions:


Calling EveonlineHelpers.refreshAuthToken(meteorUserRecord) will attempt to obtain new auth token from SSO server by using the refresh token.

Available only server-side. If successful, data gets updated in Meteor.users collection.