
Node.js + MercadoLibre API + Google Spreadsheets API = πŸŽ‰

Primary LanguageJavaScript

MeLi Manager

Greenkeeper badge

Node.js + MercadoLibre API + Google SpreadSheets API = πŸŽ‰

Table of Contents


Meli Manager is a set of tools to help small and medium sized sellers of MercadoLibre manage their operations in an easy, scalable, and more time/cost effective way in comparison to official MercadoLibre UI.


  • Synchronize Orders with Google Spreadsheet
  • Real time synchronization support.
  • Multi-account support.
  • Simplify order status information (delivery and payment statuses).
  • Manage customer Questions.


  • Manage customer Messages.
  • Synchronize Customers data related to Orders.
  • Build Customers profiles and relate to questions and messages.


  • Spreadsheet Aggregated Listings UI - CRUD
  • Catalog Items definition and mapping to Listings



First time Setup

npm install

Then, npm run setup to initialize .env file. Edit it to fill in the blanks:

# Express server port (ie. 3000)

# MercadoLibre application credentials

# Google Spreadsheet application credentials

# Mongo DB url. (ie. local dev: mongodb://localhost/melimgr)

# Google Spreadsheet document ID where to store MeLi Orders
# Orders sheet name (ie. 'Sheet 1', 'Ventas'...)

# Google Spreadsheet document ID where to store MeLi Questions
# Questions sheet name (ie. 'Sheet 1', 'Ventas'...)


Ensure Mongo DB instance is running (specified in .env file). Then:

npm start

Deploy to Now

Deploying is easy!

Setup & Config

  1. Make sure Now client is installed.
  2. Configure app secrets:
now secret add meli-manager-meli_client_secret "my_meli_client_secret"
now secret add meli-manager-mongodb_url "my_mongodb_url"
now secret add meli-manager-spreadsheet_private_key_id "my_spreadsheet_private_key_id"
now secret add meli-manager-spreadsheet_private_key "my_spreadsheet_private_key"

Note: the spreadsheet private key might be trickier to add to Now, due to it's multiline complexity. A workaround is saving the key text in a clean file, and then run instead:

now secret add meli-manager-spreadsheet_private_key -- "`< google-secret-key`"
  1. Edit now.json file env variables as you seem fit for your instance.


Simply run:


And in a few moments you'll see the URL of your running instance. See the now docs for more deployment options.


Ensure test Mongo DB instance is running (specified in .env.test file). Then:

npm test


MercadoLibre Test Accounts CLI tool

An optional command line utility to locally create, authorize and store a MeLi test user account is provided.

How to use

  1. Setup env variables in bin/cli-meli-accounts path:
$ npm run meli:test-account:setup

This will initialize a fresh bin/cli-meli-accounts/.env file like this, for you to complete:

# Port to use for oauth server. 3001 is suggested.

# Mongo DB URL where to register/retrieve user Accounts.

# MercadoLibre Application keys used to create Test accounts & refresh Account access tokens.
  1. Ensure the configured Mongo DB instance is running.
  2. Run it. For example:
$ npm run meli:test-account 
Usage: cli-meli-accounts [options]

? What do you want to do? (Use arrow keys)
> Create a new Test account
  Login & Save existing account
  List saved accounts

Google Spreadsheet API Keys Setup

To write to your own spreadsheet you need to set up β€œService Account Keys”. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials

  2. Click on β€œCreate credentials”; choose β€œService account key”

  3. Select JSON when it asks you how to download the key.

  4. The service account key you have just generated includes a client_email. Navigate to your google spreadsheet that will hold the data and allow the client_email to have Write access on the document.

  5. With the downloaded JSON data, now you have to fill in the properties in the .env variables:


    Note: the rest of the JSON properties are already set by default in the config/index.js file.

  6. For this specific project, we'll also need the document Id and Sheet Name where we'll save the MercadoLibre Orders data:

    The spreadsheet id can be found in the document URL. For example, in: "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1k0ip0Zvr9g9fXEnkLzNHs_recXFjTAlOFQ19nNdi4Tw/edit#gid=0" the spreadsheet Id is: 1k0ip0Zvr9g9fXEnkLzNHs_recXFjTAlOFQ19nNdi4Tw


    The SHEETNAME is the literal name of the sheet to be used. Usually defaults to "Sheet 1", but can be otherwise.

  7. Repeat step (6) for Questions sheet, if you'd like.


API docs

Authorize MercadoLibre Account

GET /auth/mercadolibre

Run MercadoLibre account authorization flow. On success, account tokens and relevant profile info will be stored in the DB, and will be available for the other endpoints.

MercadoLibre notifications listener

POST /notification
    "resource": "/orders/1499111111",
    "user_id": 33687004,
    "topic": "orders",
    "application_id": 2069392825111111,
    "attempts": 1,
    "sent": "2017-10-09T13:58:23.347Z",
    "received": "2017-10-09T13:58:23.329Z"

This endpoint is used for listening notifications sent by the Mercadolibre application. MercadoLibre will send a notification each time a resource of the registered 'topics' is updated. Some of the currently registered topics are 'questions' and 'orders_v2'.

Get MercadoLibre Orders

GET /order

Retrieve all MercadoLibre orders of the available accounts.

URL Params

All params are optional:

Param Type Example Description
start String 01-01-19 Start date filter (format "DD-MM-YY"). Inclusive.
end String 31-01-19 End date filter (format "DD-MM-YY"). Inclusive.
accounts String "MELI USER1,MELI USER2" Retrieve orders only from selected account usernames.
store Boolean true, false Wether to store retrieved orders in the configured spreadsheet.

Get MercadoLibre Questions

GET /question

Retrieve all MercadoLibre questions of the available accounts.

URL Params

All params are optional:

Param Type Example Description
start String 01-01-19 Start date filter (format "DD-MM-YY"). Inclusive.
end String 31-01-19 End date filter (format "DD-MM-YY"). Inclusive.
accounts String "MELI USER1,MELI USER2" Retrieve questions only from selected account usernames.
store Boolean true, false Wether to store retrieved questions in the configured spreadsheet.

Answer Mercadolibre Question

POST /question/{id}/answer
    "sellerId": 123456,
    "answerText": "Hola, esta en stock! Saludos."
URL Params

All params are required.

Param Type Example Description
id Number 111111111 ID of the MercadoLibre Question to answer.
Body Params

All params are required.

Param Type Example Description
sellerId Number 12121212 ID of MercadoLibre seller account. Requires account to be authorized.
answerText String "answer text" Text of the answer to be sent for the selected question


  • Create a new GitHub issue.
  • Submit a Pull Request.
  • All suggestions welcome!