
A sample repository showing usage of Pluggy Java SDK.

Primary LanguageJava

Hello Pluggy Java!

A sample repository showing how to use the pluggy-sdk-java library.


  1. Since the pluggy-java dependency is only available Github Packages at the moment, we need first to add the GH Packages server config to our .m2/settings.xml file. Follow these steps for more details.
  2. Install dependencies:
mvn clean install


  1. Make sure to define PLUGGY_CLIENT_ID and PLUGGY_CLIENT_SECRET env variables.

Unix / bash

export PLUGGY_CLIENT_ID="<your client id>" && export PLUGGY_CLIENT_ID="<your client secret>"

Windows / cmd

set PLUGGY_CLIENT_ID="<your client id>" && set PLUGGY_CLIENT_SECRET="<your client secret>"
  1. Compile & Run the main class HelloPluggyJava
mvn compile exec:java

(Of course, you can also run it using any IDE of your choice)

  1. If everything went smoothly, you should see logs showing an API request response.