
A Listing of UNAVSA's Technologist and Entrepreneurs

UNAVSA Tech Mafia

UNAVSA members who embrace Technology & Entrepreneurship.

Members in order joined

  1. Stephen Nguyen
  2. Hop Alex Hoang
  3. Tommy Tran
  4. Tony Lam
  5. Daniel Luu
  6. Andrew Young
  7. Michael Vu
  8. Jennifer Nghe
  9. Roger Le
  10. Brian Nguyen
  11. Tuan Duong
  12. Kat Phan

Rules of UNAVSA Tech Mafia

  1. You must edit yourself into this Readme.
  2. In return we will add you as a contributor to this group and let you join the facebook group.
  3. Once added to group you are an equal contributor to ideas and changes to the direction of this group.

#1 Edit yourself into this document (the hardest part)

To add the following in this format and submit a pull request(request to merge a change into this document).

if you don't know how to use github edit this file by clicking on the pencil. and use http://dillinger.io/ if you have trouble with markdown syntax.

Your Name Here - City, State

  1. What do you love about technology
  2. What are you looking for out of this group.
  3. You decide what you want to put in #3

Stephen Nguyen - San Francisco, CA

  1. The ability to build and solve real lasting problems through engineering.
  2. Looking to connect with people who want to relocate to SF and want to learn more engineering skills.
  3. I made this group so we can foster more engineering and entrepreneurial talent in UNAVSA through networking and exchange of ideas. <3 UNAVSA and <3 technology

Hop Alex Hoang - San Francisco, CA

  1. Being able to build and create things that make an impact in our lives.
  2. Looking to replace myself from the IT role in UNAVSA.
  3. Like Stephen, I want UNAVSA to foster more engineering and entrepreneurial talent. I want to show our constituents that we have a lot to offer, starting with what I know and love doing.

Tommy Tran - Houston, TX

  1. Just how it can help humanity and how it constantly evolves.
  2. Learning valuble skills to enhance my knowledge about various subjects. :D
  3. I cant wait to learn from you guys! :D

Tony Lam - Holyoke, MA

  1. Constant changes to better humanity.
  2. Looking to connect with people to develop their skills and abilities.
  3. I wish this group was created before so that we can help foster the develop of people interested in technology and design.

Daniel Luu - Potomac, MD

  1. It's ability to connect those around the world and how there are almost new forms of it daily.
  2. Looking for people who are interested in the same things I am and hopefully learning a lot.
  3. I thought this was an awesome idea because I always wanted to somehow support my love for VSA with my love for technology.

Andrew Young - Toronto, ON

UVSA Ontario
  1. Being able to invest time and effort into building something - automating processes or tying things together - to ultimately benefit as many people as possible.
  2. Contributing my knowledge and experience, and also learning from others, to fully leverage technology and bring UNAVSA (and our respective groups) to the next plateau.
  3. I look forward to collaborating with everyone. I live and breathe code and it is definitely a passion of mine that I've turned into a career as a contractor/freelancer.

Michael Vu - Toronto, ON

UTVSA (Toronto)
  1. I like digital technology because it has created a new space for building and experimentation, and this space is still growing and figuring out its possibilities, unlike other equally interesting spaces such as carpentry or painting. Last year I went to a Hackathon at U of Toronto and it was a really cool experience!
  2. I am looking to learn from this group because although I am extremely interested in this field my background is quite weak (only some basic Python, and some experience with Adobe Creative Suite). Because my background is in neuroscience, my secret plan is to acquire new skills in the hopes of creating new ways for our minds to interact with digital technology, such as through EEG-controllers. That being said I also want to contribute however I can to the jobs that need to be done within UNAVSA!
  3. It's kind of lame, but when I saw the movie "The Social Network" in theatres me and my friend had a long inspiring discussion afterwards which I think changed the way I think about the trajectory of my life. I think that digital technology is exciting for many people in that respect, it promises a kind of limitless wild west of potential, which of course is kind of overblown, but anyways it is empowering and motivating to enter this space. Also, "The Social Network" official soundtrack is amazing I recommmend it!

Jennifer Nghe - Nanuet, NY/Boston, MA

New England IVSA and Boston University VSA
  1. Technological advancements make the world go round. The possibilities are endless!
  2. I'm always down to learn new things.
  3. This sounds like something we could add to VSAcademy.

Roger Le - Austin, TX

  1. I love how you can leave a legacy by writing good software that keeps on giving back to your target audience
  2. Looking forward to connecting with other aspiring technologists and collaborate in exchanging ideas and code and opportunities for one another to showcase each others skills and develop each other.
  3. It will be fun building apps with you guys and gals that could benefit UNAVSA and add them to our portfolios as well as exchange best practices and network with individuals in the UNAVSA for my and your ideal position!

Brian Nguyen- Houston, TX

  1. It is constantly changing and is an integral part of our lives.
  2. To learn more about coding and to improve my feeble coding skills.
  3. I'm excited to learn from this group, and I feel that this group will teach me more on coding than I have in my past year of coding at school.

Tuan Duong- Washington, D.C.

  1. I love that tech has ability to impact so many people.
  2. To share and learn from each other. To build something that will be able to help our UNAVSA community.
  3. Always down to pair.

Kat Phan - Bay Area (SF, Stanford), CA

UVSA NorCal, Stanford VSA

  1. The intersection of social awareness and engineering is necessary to educate and empower.
  2. To build or improve tools for not only the VSA community, but also the Vietnamese population in North America.
  3. I am an extremely huge advocate for API involvement in social justice movements, and women in STEM.

testing ifft integration. When Pull request, post to Facebook!