
A basic implementation of common pathfinding algorithms

Primary LanguageJava


A basic implementation of common path finding (graph) algorithms.

  • This includes:
    • A-Star (A*) shortest path finding algorithm.
    • Bredth First Search algorithm (BFS)
    • Depth First Search algorithm (DFS)
    You have actors (people) who are trying to get from point A-B. They need a path (a queue of points) to traverse. Have static methods: Model.getDeterminedPath() will give you a path to move to.

    How to run

    • 1. Launch model.java
    • 2. Your only person (in red) is at grid coordinate (5,5)
    • 3. Person can only move in cardinal direction (NESW)
    • 4. Left click to set the destination
    • 5. Right click to set a building (in blue) which appears as your obstacle
    • 6. Upon reaching location, program will terminate (as of V1.0)
    ------------- Algorithm basics
    • 1. Check if at point
      • 1.1 If so return the destination
    • 2. If adjacent to block
      • 2.1 Return a path with starting and ending point
    • 3. If not adjacent or at desination
      • 3.1 Set up openlist & closed list
        • 3.1.1 Open list is the set of all outer adjacent blocks
        • 3.1.2 Closed list if the set of all the blocks you have visited and set adjacent into the open list
    • 3.2 Put initial location into closed list
    • 3.3 While not at desination determine adjacent clear blocks (no buildings)
    • 3.4 For all blocks, assigns g, h, f values for that block
      • 3.4.1 G value is the distance from start to current block (1 more than the g value of parent)
      • 3.4.2 H value is a heuristic value (guess at distance <= actual distance) - Used manhatten distance
      • 3.4.3 F Value is the sum of the g & h values
    • 3.5 Add any adjacent blocks that aren't in open list into it
      • 3.5.1 Select the closest block (smallest f value) as the your current block
    • 3.6 Continue steps 3.3 until case 2
      • 3.6.1 At this point, you are adjacent, so add that adjacent point to path
      • 3.6.2 Traverse from final point to no parent , adding to path at all points

    Notable help: Pathfinding Tutorial