
An Android RSS reader built with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose

Primary LanguageKotlinBoost Software License 1.0BSL-1.0


BinoculaRSS (pronounced /bəˈnäkyələrz/) is a feature-rich RSS reader application, still currently under development. It is built using Kotlin and Jetpack Compose.

Developer Installation

Install Android Studio, clone the project, and open the project. Follow any prompts that Android Studio gives you about installing a JDK or Android SDK.

You can choose to run the code on a physical Android device or an Android emulator.

Physical Device

Ensure that ADB is installed. This is so that Android Studio can communicate with your phone. You will need to activate developer mode. For instructions on how to install ADB, see the following article.

  1. Enable developer mode:
    • Go into About this Phone.
    • Find the Build Number heading, and click on it until a toast message pops up saying something along the lines of You are a developer.
  2. Go into developer settings (location varies by device), and enable USB Debugging.
  3. In Android Studio select the APP build configuration, select your device from the device drop down, and press the run button.


Ensure that ADB is installed. This is so that Android Studio can communicate with the emulator. For instructions on how to install ADB, see the following article.

  1. Open the AVD Manager (Android Virtual Device Manager)
  2. Click Create Virtual Device
  3. Select any phone model and click Next
  4. Click Download next to an Android System image from the Recommended tab. We recommend Android R. Press Finish. Wait for the download to complete and click Next.
  5. Press Finish.
  6. In Android Studio select the APP build configuration on the top right, select your device from the device drop down, and press the run button.


Variable Naming Convention

  • Variables should be named in camelCase.
  • Functions should be named with camelCase.
  • Composable functions should be PascalCase.
  • Classes should be named with PascalCase.

UI Conventions


For theming, refer to the MaterialTheme package. For example, to get the primary colour, reference MaterialTheme.colorScheme.primary. The following is a list of colours that are available:

  • background
  • error
  • errorContainer
  • inverseOnSurface
  • inversePrimary
  • inverseSurface
  • onBackground
  • onError
  • onErrorContainer
  • onPrimary
  • onPrimaryContainer
  • onSecondary
  • onSecondaryContainer
  • onSurface
  • onSurfaceVariant
  • onTertiary
  • onTertiaryContainer
  • outline
  • primary
  • primaryContainer
  • secondary
  • secondaryContainer
  • surface
  • surfaceVariant
  • tertiary
  • tertiaryContainer

View activities/ui.theme/* for more MaterialTheme listing convensions.

UI Composables

In your Activity classes, try and break up your composables as much as possible. Make things very modular so the average function line count remains low. Compile all of your composables into a composable function called UI at the bottom. The outermost composable in this UI composable should be a Surface with color set to MaterialTheme.colorScheme.background.


To ensure that your activity is themed in accordance to the theming standards we have put in place, adhere to the following steps:

  1. At the top of your activity, include the following lines to make the theming work:
private lateinit var sharedPref: SharedPreferences
private lateinit var sharedPrefEditor: SharedPreferences.Editor
private lateinit var theme: String
private lateinit var themeState: MutableState<String>
private var materialYou by Delegates.notNull<Boolean>()
private lateinit var materialYouState: MutableState<Boolean>
  1. Include the following code in the onCreate function:
setContent {
    themeState = remember { mutableStateOf(theme) }
    materialYouState = remember { mutableStateOf(materialYou) }
    BinoculaRSSTheme(theme = themeState.value, materialYou = materialYouState.value) {

// Initialize shared preferences theme variables
sharedPref = this.getSharedPreferences(SETTINGS, Context.MODE_PRIVATE)
sharedPrefEditor = sharedPref.edit()
theme = sharedPref.getString(THEME, "System Default").toString()
materialYou = sharedPref.getBoolean(MATERIAL_YOU, false)
  1. Include the following code in your onResume function:
theme = sharedPref
    .getString(SettingsActivity.PreferenceKeys.THEME, "System Default")
materialYou = sharedPref.getBoolean(SettingsActivity.PreferenceKeys.MATERIAL_YOU, false)
  1. At the top of your UI composable function, you should include the following code to make the status bar and navigation bar theming work:
// Set status bar and nav bar colours.
val systemUiController = rememberSystemUiController()
val useDarkIcons = when (theme) {
    "Dark Theme" -> false
    "Light Theme" -> true
    else -> !isSystemInDarkTheme()
val color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.background
SideEffect {
        color = color,
        darkIcons = useDarkIcons