A WordPress starter template for bespoke themes, built around a modern tooling environment.
The project provides modern tooling and a base theme structure so you can jump straight into development. It does not make any stylistic or functional assumptions, just gives you the tools you need to get on with your job.
wp-starter make use of the following projects:
- http://editorconfig.org/
- http://csslint.net/
- http://www.jshint.com/
- http://lesscss.org/
- http://bower.io/
- http://gruntjs.com/
- https://github.com/ai/autoprefixer
- http://modernizr.com/
- http://livereload.com/
##Requirements for local dev
- node.js v0.10.26 +
- grunt.js v0.4.1 +
- Bower v1.3.3 +
##Getting Setup Once Bower is installed (http://bower.io), you can then install all dependencies by running:
bower install
Once Grunt is installed (http://gruntjs.com/getting-started) you can install all dependencies by running (you may have to prefix this with 'sudo'):
npm install
note: please see Bower/Grunt documentation for help with installation.
##Using Grunt
You can use the Grunt watch task to watch .less and .js files for changes and automatically process them.
$ grunt watch
Alternatively, you can process them at anytime with the following commands.
$ grunt buildcss
$ grunt buildjs
$ grunt buildimg
The CSS build does the following tasks:
- Compiles all the .less files imported into style.less
- Autoprefixes the compiled style.css with vendor prefixes (by default it supports current browser version -2)
- Checks the prefixed file for CSS Lint errors (based on .csslintrc config)
- Minifies the file
- Mac OSX / Linux Ubuntu users will then receive a notification upon successful build
The JS build does the following tasks:
- jshints your project.js and Gruntfile.js files (based on .jshintrc config)
- Searchs the project.js file for Modernizr references and generates a custom build with the tests you need
- Concatinates all javascript files used in the site
- Minifies the concatinated file
- Mac OSX / Linux Ubuntu users will then receive a notification upon successful build
The IMG build does the following tasks:
- Optimises all images
- Mac OSX / Linux Ubuntu users will then receive a notification upon successful build
wp-starter is compatible with dploy - https://github.com/LeanMeanFightingMachine/dploy/
Example of dploy.yaml config (not part of the repository, but will be created when you install dploy)
scheme: ftp
host: yourhost.com
port: 21
user: yourusername
pass: password123
check: true
exclude: ["*.yaml", "*.json", "js/**/*.js", "js/project.js", "**/*.less", "node_modules", "Gruntfile.js", "README.md", ".bowerrc", ".csslintrc", ".editorconfig", ".gitignore", ".jshintrc"]
"style.css": "/",
"js/production.js": "/js"
remote: httpdocs/wp-content/themes/wp-starter/