
NLP classification of disaster response messages

Primary LanguagePython

Disaster Response Messages Project

Web implementation : https://dr-dash.herokuapp.com/

1. About the Project:

This Project is part of Data Science Nanodegree Program by Udacity in collaboration with Figure Eight. The initial dataset provided by Figure Eight contain real messages sent during disaster events and their respective categories. The aim of the project is to build a Natural Language Processing tool that categorize messages.

The Project is divided in the following Sections:

1. Data Processing, ETL Pipeline to extract data from source, clean data and save them in a proper databse structure

2. Machine Learning Pipeline to train a model able to classify text message in categories

3. Web App to show model results in real time using Dash and Plotly.

2. File structure:

  • root directory:

    • train_classifier.py : trains the classifier (LinearSVC). Run in root directory by - 'python train_classifier.py data/DisasterResponse.db models/classifier.pkl'.
    • dash_app.py : Dash/Plotly web visualization - python dash_app.py.
    • nltk.txt : nltk downloads for Heroku implementation.
    • Procfile : file for Heroku implementation.
    • requirements.txt : required libraries.
  • data:

    • DisasterResponse.db : Database with cleaned data created by 'process_data.py' script.
    • process_data.py : Cleans the raw .csv data and saves it into SQLite database (DisasterResponse.db : table - DisasterMessageETL)
  • models:

    • classifier.pkl : trained classifier created by 'train_classifier.py' script
  • custom:

    • custom_tokens.py : contains custom tokenization function

3. Build with:

Web app implementation using Dash and Plotly. Hosted by Heroku

4. Installation:

  • clone the repository.

  • run process_data.py to create the SQLlite.db. () : 'python data/process_data.py data/disaster_messages.csv data/disaster_categories.csv data/DisasterResponse.db'

  • run train_classifier to train the 'models/classifier.pkl' : 'python train_classifier.py data/DisasterResponse.db models/classifier.pkl'

  • run dash_app.py to start the server (localhost:8050). : 'python dash_app.py'

5. Web app interface:

  • Tab - Predict message:

    • Text input control: Enter message for classification

    • fig.1 : Bar chart with predicted categories.

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  • Tab - Explore Dataset:

    • Chart 1 : Most common words associated with disaster messages.

    • Chart 2 : Most common words associated with non-disaster messages.

    • Chart 3 : Percentage positive labels per category.

    • Chart 4 : Pie Chart. Message distribution by genre/related to disaster.

    • Slider : Select how many top words to include into Chart 1/2.

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  • 6. Contact:

      Todor Mishinev - todor.mishinev@gmail.com
      Project link - https://github.com/tmishinev/dr_dash.git