Zsh uat branch merge notifier for git

git-branch-uat-notifier is a Z shell function that will list recent merges into your uat git branch. You can specify this branch by exporting the UAT_BRANCH_NAME variable in your .zshrc; otherwise it defaults to uat.

How It Works

Whenever you check out a branch in git, your terminal will display any recent merges of that branch into the uat branch.

You may also call the list_uat_merges function directly. By default it will list the merges for the current branch; otherwise you can specify a branch name as the first argument:

$> list_uat_merges my_branch

my_branch merged into uat on Fri Jun 19 (abcd123)
my_branch merged into uat on Fri Jun 5 (efgh456)

git-branch-uat-notifier outputs information using pretty colors for your heightened aesthetic enjoyment.


  • You use zsh
  • Your have a properly configured $fpath


Clone the respository somewhere.

$ git clone git://github.com/lordzork/git-branch-uat-notifier.git ~/.zsh/plugins/git-branch-uat-notifier

Alternatively, you can create a submodule.

$ git submodule add git://github.com/lordzork/git-branch-uat-notifier.git ~/.zsh/plugins/git-branch-uat-notifier

Add the functions subdirectory to your $fpath. This should be done in your .zshrc.

$ fpath+=$HOME/.zsh/plugins/*/functions/*(N)

Make sure the function is called from your zshrc

$ echo "git_branch_uat_notifier" >> ~/.zsh/.zshrc