
A modern look at the relationship between sharpness and generalization [ICML 2023]

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

A modern look at the relationship between sharpness and generalization

Maksym Andriushchenko (EPFL), Francesco Croce (University of Tübingen), Maximilian Müller (University of Tübingen), Matthias Hein (University of Tübingen), Nicolas Flammarion (EPFL)

ICML 2023

Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.07011


The main script to evaluate sharpness is eval_sharpness.py for which you first need to install packages from requirements.txt. The command line parameters for eval_sharpness.py should be quite straightforward and their brief description is available in help=... of parser.add_argument(...). For example, this script evaluates adaptive Linf worst-case sharpness (with logit normalization) and exports evaluation results in a json file:

python eval_sharpness.py --dataset=cifar10 --model=vit_exp --model_width=512 --n_eval_sharpness=1024 --bs_sharpness=128 --rho=0.001 --adaptive --normalize_logits --n_iters=20 --algorithm=m_apgd_linf --log_folder=logs_final_vit_max_linf --model_path="${model_path}"

All CIFAR-10 evaluations can be reproduced by running sh/eval_sharpness_final.sh. The evaluations on ImageNet and BERT models can be run similarly but first one has to download the data and models (see below for the models).



  • notebooks/sharpness_deep_nets.ipynb: plot various trends based on the results parsed from eval_sharpness.py.
  • notebooks/sharpness_linear_model.ipynb: a quick plot for logistic regression showing the scale invariance issue (even for adaptive sharpness).