
A client-side encrypted safe for storing all your passwords.

Primary LanguageCSSDo What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL


KeySafe is an app for storing all your passwords / keys. Designed to be as simple to use as possible. All data is encrypted client-side - so only you know what you're storing! Built with the help of React, Redux, Formik, Tailwind, Express / Node, Mongoose / MongoDB. You can give it a spin here. Note however, I use a free tier at Heroku so the initial start up time is pretty slow!

Most of the main functionality has been completed. You can:

  • Register user
  • Edit username
  • Delete user
  • Create group
  • Edit group
  • Delete group
  • Create key
  • Edit key
  • Delete key

Note that the app generates a random, strong password for you every time you use the add-a-key form - you can either use this password or enter your own.


All data (group and key details) is encrypted client-side with symmetric key encryption (AES) before being stored in the database. The data is then decrypted client-side whenever it is retrieved. This is done with the help of bcryptjs and crypto-js. Further, the server is never sent your encryption / decryption key and as such cannot decrypt your data server-side (assuming the application code has not been maliciously altered).

This is achieved by creating a unique salt for each user upon registration, which is stored on the server. Then, upon each successful login, the salt is retrieved by the client and the encrypt / decrypt key is generated by hashing the user's salt combined with the user's password. This key is thereafter stored in the user's local storage until deauthentication.

Relevant files to take a look at for inspecting the encryption scheme include:

  • client/src/util/crypto.js
  • client/src/components/auth/Register.js
  • client/src/actions/authActions.js
  • client/src/components/dashboard/Table.js
  • client/src/components/dashboard/KeyModal.js
  • client/src/components/dashboard/EditGroupModal.js


To build, cd to project root and run:

$ npm install && npm run build

This should install dependencies and then output a transpiled version of app.js to dist.


To run the app in development, it is suggested you use the following command from the project root:

$ npm run dev

This will utilize concurrently to run both the server and client simultaneously. If instead you wish to run them independently, see the project's package.json for the relavent script commands.


First, before running you will want to set up a Mongo database, which can be local or remote. Once this is done you can plug it's URI into the DB_URI variable of server/config/config.js.

After that, you should be able to run the app and create a user account. From there, you can add groups, add keys, edit them, etc.


The source of this app may be used under the WTFPL - or, if you take issue with that, consider it to be under the CC0.


Feedback and contributions are welcome. Feel free to create issues, fork, submit pull requests, etc.

Finally, if you want to contribute in a different way, you can always buy me a coffee ^_^

Buy me a coffee

Note: This app is not related to the Android app of the same name in any way!