
  • Testing
  • Have multiple endpoints
  • Add endpoints that dont map to a file (routes concept)
  • Mime types
    • including the right Content-Type header in response
    • router is aware of Accept header in case route wants to return different mime types
  • Query string parsing (posts?name=test and filter results)
  • POST body parsing
    • router is aware of Content-Type header in POST/PUT request
    • Other content types to support
      • application/x-www-form-urlencoded
      • multipart/form-data
  • Every REST action type (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH)
    • Requests with the same path but different method
  • Access control (basic auth, api key, etc)
  • Multi-threading (taking multiple requests at a time)
  • Data compression (gzipping)
  • Browser caching (response code 304)
  • Redirects
  • Virtual hosting (deploying)