
MoNet with Temporal Information and Spatially-Constrained Semantic Segmentation

Primary LanguagePython

MoNet with Temporal Information and Spatially-Constrained Semantic Segmentation

This project provides a Pytorch implementation of MONet with proposed extensions for incorporating temporal information across sequential frames in applicable domains (eg. games, videos) as well placing additional spatial constraints on produced segmentations to improve their spatial consistency.

Base implementation of MoNet is provided by the project MONet-pytorch.

Setup Details

This repository is developed and tested with python 3.7.3 on Ubuntu18.04. If you are missing python header files, install python 3.7-dev

Run the setup script:



By default, models are configured for running on CUDA GPUs. To run on CPU, set the gpu_ids option to -1 as below:

python train.py --gpu_ids -1 

Train on CLEVR Dataset

  • Download a CLEVR dataset:
wget -cN https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/clevr/CLEVR_v1.0.zip
  • Train a model:
python train.py --gpu_ids -1 --batch_size 50 --dataroot /path/to/clevr_dataset --dataset_mode clevr  --num_slots 4

Train on Atari Dataset

For training on Atari, a static datset can be used as input or batches can be generated dynamically from a random or pretrained agent.

Train on Atari Dataset with Dynamic Batch Generation

Run the train command with the following options:

# Collect frames from episode rollouts executed with a pretrained ppo agent 
python train.py --game RiverraidNoFrameskip-v4 --dynamic_datagen --collect_mode pretrained_ppo

# Collect frames from episode rollouts executed with a random agent 
python train.py --game RiverraidNoFrameskip-v4 --dynamic_datagen --collect_mode random_agent 

Train on Atari Dataset with Static Dataset

Run the train commmand with the following options:

python train.py --dataroot /path/to/atari_dataset

Note: See atari-representation-learning repository for generating frames to build an Atari dataset. generate_atari_frames.py contains examples for generating a dataset.

Visualizing Training

We utilize Visdom for producing visuals during training. Launch the visdom server before starting the training. By default, the server is hosted on port 8097.

python -m visdom.server