
Get stock info from Yahoo Finance

Primary LanguagePython

Get Stock Price Data

This script will collect instant (delayed 15 mins) stock price information from Yahoo Finanicals and print it at the command line.

To Use

git clone https://github.com/tmcellfree/Stockquote.git

pip install YahooFinancials

This is a great tool developed by Connor Sanders @JECSand REPO.

To run type:

cd stockquote

python fastquote.py

This will list the stock prices of a mix of pre-prepared list of different stocks from all over the world.

The output looks like:

Todays Date
Time in 24hr Format

Woodford Patient WPCT.L ^^^ UP 0.13 ^^^ GBp 79.2
City of London CTY.L *** DOWN 0.47 *** GBp 431

Personalise your stocks

Next setup your personal list of holdings or stocks you want price information on:

nano holdings.txt

There are a number of stocks already listed.

Format should be stock name, ticker symbol * with each stock occupying one line of the file.

For Example:

Deutsche Bank,DBK.DE*

Woodford Patient Capital,WPCT.L*


If you are not familiar with Ticker symbols all you have to know if that every stock has a symbol that refers to it. Non-US stocks also need to have their exchange (the trading venue e.g., .L is for the London Stock Exchange, London and .DE is for Deutsche Borse, Frankfurt) specified. So a US stock that trades on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), for instance Tesla, has a stock ticker TSLA. A stock that trades on the London Stock Exchange (LSE), like Barclays, has a ticker symbol BARC.L. I find this pretty cool since companies can pick their own stock tickers when the first list on a stock exchange. On of the coolest tickers (in my opinion) is from AT&T (listed on the NYSE), it is simply T!

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