
A plate reader made with a raspberry pi and lego

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A script and hardware design for creating a low-cost plate reader using a raspberry pi and lego!

  1. Equipment/Parts
  2. Code


  • Raspberry pi (zero, 3 or 4)
  • raspicam
  • DHT 11 sensor
  • Adafruit neopixel
  • Optical filters
  • Fan

Insert image Image detail to appear if image doesn't load


To Run:

Install nginx sudo apt intall nginx

Edit the default file to point to your bixel directory. If you are using a raspi as user pi then your directory will be \home\pi\bixel

sudo nano \etc\nginx\sites-available\default

type ctrl+w and enter root to find the line: ``

<title>Bixel output screen</title>

Bixel output screen

ISO 100: First and Latest Images

First_Image Latest_Image

ISO 800: First and Latest Images

First_Image_Exp2 Latest_Image_Exp2

Temperature & Humidity Graph, Timeline GIF

TemperatureHumidity timelapse