
This project demonstrates how to interface an AVR microcontroller with a characteristic LCD display. The AVR microcontroller controls the LCD to display custom messages or information, making it a versatile tool for various applications.

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Hardware Requirements

  • AVR microcontroller (e.g., ATmega series)
  • Character LCD (16x2, 20x4, or similar)
  • Jumper wires
  • Power source for the AVR microcontroller
  • Appropriate resistors and capacitors

Software Requirements

  • AVR-GCC or a compatible C/C++ compiler
  • AVRDUDE or a suitable programming software for uploading firmware
  • AVR Studio or a preferred IDE for programming and debugging


  1. Clone this repository to your local machine using git clone.
  2. Connect your AVR microcontroller to your development board or circuit.
  3. Compile the source code using your preferred AVR-GCC or IDE.
  4. Upload the compiled binary to the AVR microcontroller using AVRDUDE or your chosen programmer.


  1. Make the necessary hardware connections between your AVR microcontroller and the LCD.
  2. Load the compiled binary onto the AVR microcontroller.
  3. Power up the AVR microcontroller and watch the LCD display your custom messages.

You can modify the source code to customize the displayed messages and behavior according to your project requirements.


Feel free to contact with me via email:
