

This project utilizes an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) sensor to capture real-time movement data of a person or object to which the IMU is attached. The collected data is then processed and visualized in both Python and MATLAB, creating a 3D model of the movement.

The project is designed for applications in motion analysis, gait analysis, fitness tracking, and more.


  • Real-time data capture from the IMU sensor.
  • 3D visualization of the movement trajectory.
  • Python and MATLAB implementations for data processing and visualization.
  • Customizable for various IMU sensors and tracking scenarios.

Hardware Requirements

  • IMU sensor (e.g., MPU6050, MPU9250, etc.)
  • Microcontroller (e.g., Arduino, Raspberry Pi) for interfacing with the IMU.
  • Attachments and mounting hardware for securing the IMU to the subject or object.
  • Computer with USB connection for data transfer (if using microcontroller).
  • Power source for the IMU and microcontroller.

Software Requirements

  • Python (for Python implementation)
  • MATLAB (for MATLAB implementation)
  • IMU sensor driver/library for data acquisition
  • Appropriate libraries for data visualization (e.g., matplotlib, numpy, scipy, MATLAB plotting tools)


  1. Clone this repository to your local machine using git clone.
  2. Install the necessary software components and libraries as mentioned in the project's specific Python and MATLAB files.
  3. Connect the IMU sensor to the microcontroller and the subject or object whose movement you want to track.
  4. Run the Python or MATLAB script to begin data capture and visualization.


  1. Ensure the IMU sensor is correctly attached and positioned.
  2. Run the Python or MATLAB script to start data capture.
  3. Visualize the real-time movement trajectory in 3D.
  4. Customize the implementation to suit your specific tracking and visualization needs.